
If you know me, or follow my Instagram, I'm always babbling about chasing your dreams, and stepping out of your comfort zone.

This post may be one of my favorites yet, simply because I'm doing both of these things. Before I get to why, let's talk about outfit details! 

My goal with this look was comfort, simplicity, and edge. 

In my world, nothing screams comfort more than a pair of leggings and a really great pair of sneakers. One of my latest investments were these Nike Free RN Flyknit. If you don't own running shoes, I HIGHLY recommend these. They've made my workouts SO much easier, and running around the city (pun intended) a breeze!

Plus, you can't ever go wrong with Nike. I still love you though Adidas ... 

To go with these leggings, and sneakers, I decided to wear a black sleeveless crop top from Urban Outfitters, and an over sized denim jacket (yes, over sized, again). 

Now, comes the star of the outfit: these orange sunnies! I have never owned something like this before, so this was definitely stepping out of my comfort zone. Usually these situations end up being trial and error, but these babies were SO worth the money. Every, single, penny. I bought mine from Amazon. If you're interested, I bought them from this listing (no this is not sponsored).

It's usually very difficult to find a pair of sunglasses that looks good on my face. I normally need to lean on cat eye shaped frames to elevate my cheeks (they're quite big and squishy). 

But I decided to take the risk with these, and they somehow worked out! The frame is a little heavy, but the material is of quality, and they're a great conversational piece! 

This is the part where I get a little personal. Remember how I told you that I stepped out of my comfort zone in this post?

Well, I never ever wear crop tops, unless my bottom piece is high rise. For this look, I decided to not care. I decided it's okay that I'm not completely toned up (YET! I'm determined to get there!). Loving your own body, loving the skin you're in, is not easy. It's definitely much easier said than done. But, being kind to yourself is a good start. And this was my way of doing it.

I'll get more into practicing self-love, and loving the skin you're in, in another post. 


If you've made it this far, thank you very much. I greatly appreciate it, and I hope you enjoyed it!

Before letting you go, I'll leave you with this quote:

"If we lose love and self respect for each other, this is how we finally die." - Maya Angelou


With Love,



Photos taken by the ever so talented: Maria Doka

Nicole Duque